Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Slumber Party

So little miss Savannah wanted a slumber party for my birthday. I was at home Monday morning resting, when I got the daily call from her resident. The phone calls usually consist of how she's doing good, but not on Monday. Savannah was having a hard time and would try to quit breathing early hours Monday morning. They didn't quite know why she was doing this so they upped her O2 back to 3L and stopped her feeds. She started to do better once I got there and held her on her belly which she prefers. I was too scared to leave her so my mom and I stayed...and I might add, that waiting room needs some comfy furniture for sleeping because there was no sleeping going on. So, since she had a better night, Savannah had an eye exam which showed no ROP and the ophthalmologist didn't see any problems that would cause vision loss. Considering Savannah's PKS can cause vision problems this is a huge blessing. Praise God! Also, the girl had done nothing but cry and some babies with PKS, if I'm correct, don't cry, so maybe she'll be a talker too someday. She also had the nurse put in an NJ tube (which passes onto the intestines rather than stop at the stomach) rather than her usual NG to try to relieve her discomfort from reflux until her surgery. Her g tube is going to be scheduled next week since she is good size now (7 lb 8 oz). The nurse was unsuccessful getting the tube down, so she had to go to x ray. Since coming back from x ray,she had a few spells, but recovering quicker. It doesn't take much to weaken her. They were able to start her feeds back, which I know made her happy...she was literally trying to eat my shirt yesterday.
Sorry for the long thought process is awful right now and a lot has went on since I last wrote. 

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