Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Having Faith in our Prayers

Little miss is just hanging out. She does have a gut infection from all her stomach contents floating around in her belly from the hole. They have her on the appropriate antibiotics, but if her cultures don't look any better by tomorrow they may be calling infectious disease/control in to better heal her of this bug. Her oxygen has been good today, but her heart rate was kind of all over the place (60s-110). The docs went ahead and did her heart echo to rule out the infection spreading into her heart. Good news is no infection was present and her PDA valve had closed on its own. However, now that her PDA was closed it gave them a better look at her aorta which is abnormally narrow in a certain area. Her doc said they rate them from discreet to critical and at the moment hers is discreet and her blood pressures are fine. For now her main goal is to get over this infection and a cardiologist will now be following her to see if she will require surgery. But as a good man prayed with us earlier, we know a greater physician that can heal her. In Jesus name, her narrowing will be improved and her bradycardia fits will decrease so she won't have to suffer through another surgery. I know a man who can!

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