Thursday, May 12, 2016

Two Months

Two Months!

-I am the toughest little fart my mommy and daddy know!  I get my strength from the Lord!
-I love to show off now that my breathing tube is out!
-I'm a little fuss butt!
-I only need 1L of high flow oxygen to help me breathe, but I'll be off of that oxygen before long! ;-)
-My NJ feeding tube tickles my nose so I sneeze a lot, but it's feeding me so I'm okay with that!  I'll be glad to get more chubby so I can get my GJ tube put in!
-I love when mommy reads to me!
-I passed all my eye exams so I don't need any more for 6 months!
-I weigh 8 lbs., 7 oz.
-I'm getting put back in my big girl bed!
-I'm so glad my mommy gets to hold me again!  It's been a long 3 weeks!