Thursday, March 31, 2016

Prayer & faith gets you through days like these...

Savannah had a rough day yesterday.  The doctors had her set up for about 3 hrs worth of testing (2 hr  test to see how her feeds traveled through her body) and an upper GI.  During the test they had to do bolus feeds which she doesn't tolerate anyway.  After coming back, she began to reflux repeatedly causing her heart rate and oxygen to drop significantly.  The look on her face as she struggled to breathe is something I wish could be erased from my memory.  For now they have her back on oxygen, but she still continues to drop her sats occasionally when she refluxes.  The doc came in this morning and put her on meds to help with the heartburn and emptying of her stomach.  Please pray that she recovers from this setback quickly.  We feel too much was done yesterday at one time, but it was part of her prep for the g tube placement.  The surgical team also wants her closer to term before they will do the surgery.  Just praying and keeping faith that she will be strong enough for the surgery.    I'd give anything to trade her places-some things in life I will never understand.

1 comment:

  1. Praying! Keep your faith Tara! God is the great physician!
