Sunday, March 27, 2016

I Serve a Risen Savior

Happy Easter from our family to yours!  I am even more grateful for our risen Savior..that He chose to die on that cross so that we could have eternal life and peace with Him if we accept Him into our hearts and lives.  That eternal life takes on a whole new meaning for me today...if I don't get to see my daughter fully healed of her infirmities on this earth I do know that I will see her fully healed one day with our Savior.  I still believe that God is in the miracle working business and Savi's condition is fully in His hands.  She's already proven herself as our little miracle and coming this far.

Savi was doing well today when we visited her to give her her Easter goodies.  They had to go back up on her feeds (every 3 hrs over an hour and a half span of time) due to her frequent decreases in oxygen.  Today she had a few episodes of desatting into the 70s, but nurse continues to think it's due to positioning and reflux.  She was sound asleep while I was holding her, but as I was saying my goodbyes she decided to wake up.  Little stinker has a habit of doing that.  She loves to be held, except for once yesterday...she let me know the best way she could that she did not want to be picked up.  Savi hasn't really fully cried...she lets out little squeals or cat sounds I call them. I swear she has hissed at me a few times.  She definitely has her daddy's temper.   :-)

It was a little overwhelming having to celebrate Easter with our other 2 kiddos separate from Savi, but it was good getting to see Brayden & Alayna's excitement over the egg hunts.

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