Saturday, June 25, 2016

A Blah Kinda Week

This quote on facebook keeps sticking out to me...talks about dealing with what life has dealt you...either letting it make u a better person or letting it make u bitter. This is something I've been struggling with especially over this past week. Savannah has had a couple of days where she was episode free of drops in heart rate or oxygen. However, tonight she is dropping in the 20s. The secretion med has done its job and thickened her slobbers, but now I'm lost again as to what's causing her to drop her oxygen. It's only occasionally, but at times she's requiring stimulation to recover. Also, I found out earlier this week that her GJ feeding tube can take 2-4 additional weeks to disappointing. Just as I was beginning to see the light at the end of this tunnel and have our little girl hopes are shattered. We will get there tho...slowly but surely.

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