Saturday, July 9, 2016

4 Months

Savannah is enjoying being home. She sleeps a lot and sort of has her days and nights mixed up. I've been fortunate to be home with her this week, but next week she enters daddy/granny daycare. Brayden and Alayna are wonderful with her. We went for her check up at the pediatrician yesterday. At four months she weighs a whopping 12 lbs. 14 oz. and is 21.5" long. Her weight is good, but a little on the short side. Her doc was wonderful...did all she could to get info from all resources and offered to check on us over the weekend. For now the plan is to make no changes, but she did want to follow up on her suspected seizures. Her EEGs in the hospital never showed any, but I believe I've seen her have some. We have quite a few appointments ahead of us. It's nice to feel somewhat normal again...rocking my baby to sleep in our home, giving her a bath in her tub and putting her in the car, not having an hour and a half drive separating me from my little girl, etc. It's the little things in life that matter the most. Happy four months sweet girl! So glad we get to spend it at home!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Passing with Flying Colors

Little Miss passed her car seat test and did well with her 2 month vaccines...even closer to home now!